Sindre Bjerga
Støperiet Friday 5.11
Sindre Bjerga has been active in the shady back alleys of experimental sound since the mid-1990s, exploring drone music, homemade low-tech electronics and sound collaging. He has been touring quite extensively around the world, Europe, UK, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, South Korea and numerous times in Japan, playing several hundred gigs. He has mostly played solo shows but also in steady units like Bjerga/Iversen, Star Turbine (with Claus Poulsen), Tech Riders (with Frans de Waard) and collaborated with a wide range of artists like Adam Bohman, Lasse Marhaug, Håkon Lie, Anla Courtis, Famlende Forsøk, Culver and played support for Thurston Moore, Jim O’Rourke and Scanner. He has also held numerous workshops for children and adults building sound objects and self-made instruments. Lately Bjerga has been working more with cassette collages, utilizing found tapes as well as pre-recorded tapes, often mixing and stacking sounds from very different sources, creating these odd, unique and even embarrassing moments. The performative elements in the shows have also been highlighted more lately. Bjerga has been known to wander about in the audience, setting up spontaneous fragile “sound sculptures”, tying audience members up with cassette tape exploring the relationship between artist and audience, sometimes accentuating the very act of performing and other times slapstick comedy type moments.
Aparte has commissioned Bjerga to present unexpected
tableaus and disruptive moments.
Aparte has commissioned Bjerga to present unexpected
tableaus and disruptive moments.