New Rituals 2.0
Nakama w/zen-choir
New Rituals 2.0
Støperiet Saturday 6.11
In 2019, composer and bass player Christian Meaas Svendsen released his piece New Rituals. The piece was a collaboration between him, his band Nakama and a handful of Zen practitioners from Rinzai Zen Center Oslo. The music was based around 10 Zen Buddhist sutras, and was released as a quite elaborate triple disc, both on CD and vinyl.
New Rituals 2.0 is not a revised version of its predecessor, but rather a whole new piece. The result is a more dynamic piece of music, in which the interaction between choir and ensemble is more active and present, and in which the band and its individuals has a greater freedom for expression — both in and in between the various sutras. New Rituals 2.0 is also structured around the same 10 sutras and the same principle: The music is investigating the Zen Buddhist philosophical principle which says that nothing exists as a separate entity; everything is inseparable from everything else, and everything is always changing. All things are empty of “self”, thus everything can be understood as a dormant, infinite potential.
New Rituals 2.0 is not a revised version of its predecessor, but rather a whole new piece. The result is a more dynamic piece of music, in which the interaction between choir and ensemble is more active and present, and in which the band and its individuals has a greater freedom for expression — both in and in between the various sutras. New Rituals 2.0 is also structured around the same 10 sutras and the same principle: The music is investigating the Zen Buddhist philosophical principle which says that nothing exists as a separate entity; everything is inseparable from everything else, and everything is always changing. All things are empty of “self”, thus everything can be understood as a dormant, infinite potential.

Christian Meaas Svendsen
Photo: Michael de Figueiredo
Klaus Ellerhusen Holm — alto saxophone, clarinets. Andreas Røysum — Bb-clarinet.
Ayumi Tanaka — piano.
Andreas Wildhagen — drums.
Christian Meaas Svendsen — bass, voice, compositions+
practitioners from RZS Oslo — chant

Photo: Jan Tore Eriksen