Magnus Bugge
Vestfold kunstsenter Friday 4.11/Saturday 5.11
Verdensteatret, Enter ghost, exit ghost, re-enter ghost , 2022. Installation.
Magnus Bugge is a composer and artist working with sound art, electroacoustic music and related visual arts. His practice is exploratory and his works emerge from studies of concrete and abstract themes, often inspired by science, technology and physics, in addition to purely auditory phenomena. Having worked in contexts like stage art, concert, film, installation and releases, he has come to the conclusion that media is not important to his as an artist. Ideas and works will develop in their own way, and he will follow. His tools, synthesis, field recordings, programming, machine learning, tape techniques are equally not important, but mere means for executing the work, experiencing and observing.
Bugge has worked both as a solo artist and in the stage art collective Verdensteatret.
Bugge has worked both as a solo artist and in the stage art collective Verdensteatret.
Magnus Bugge har bakgrunn fra både Norges Musikkhøgskole. Som kunstner har han deltatt på utstillinger på Kunstnernes hus, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana og på Art Rotterdam. Han har hatt en rekke opptredener med Verdensteatret i inn- og utland, har flere utgivelser, laget filmmusikk og flere sceneverk. I 2022 stilte Bugge blant annet ut med Verdensteatret på Nitja senter for samtidskunst.
Magnus Bugge website
Vestfold kunstsenter
Magnus Bugge website
Vestfold kunstsenter

2018. Film/Installation by P L A T E AU R E S I D U E